858-329-0005    | Mon - Sun 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

SD Appliance Repair

SD Appliance Repair San Diego CA, Same Day Service!

Accessibility Statement

This accessibility statement applies to the Appliance Repair LLC website. Please use our contact form for any inquiries, comments, or suggestions.

Access Keys

Most modern browsers support jumping to specific links on a website via keyboard shortcuts (access keys) defined by the site. Use ALT + an access key (or ALT + Shift + an access key for Firefox) on Windows. On Macintosh, use Control + Option + an access key.
Available access keys throughout this website:

Access Key Description

  • 1 Home page
  • 2 Skip navigation and go directly to content
  • 3 Site Map
  • 9 Contact
  • 0 Accessibility Statement and access essential listing

Standards Compliance

All pages on this website comply with priority 1 guidelines of the W3 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the U.S. Federal Government Section 508 Guidelines.

All pages are validated as XHTML 1 Strict and are structured using semantic markup (e.g., H1 for page titles, H2 for subheadings). This structure enables JAWS users to navigate using ALT+INSERT+2.

Table cells are explicitly associated with their corresponding header cells to assist screen readers in rendering content meaningfully. Tables include captions and summaries where applicable.

Navigation Aids

  • All pages have rel=”home” links for navigation in text-only browsers.
  • A “skip navigation” link allows text-only browsers and screen readers to go directly to the main content.
  • A Site Map provides links to all pages within the website.


  • Link text is crafted to make sense out of context, aiding browsers like JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera.
  • Links include additional descriptive information in the title tag where possible.
  • There are no links containing Javascript in their href attributes, ensuring accessibility for all browsers regardless of scripting settings.
  • Links that open new windows notify users within the title attribute.


All images include descriptive text via the alt attribute.


This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout. Content remains readable even if your browser does not support style sheets.

Only relative font sizes ensure compatibility with text resizing features in visual browsers.

This accessibility statement ensures compliance with best practices in web accessibility, making our content accessible to all users.

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