How to Replace a Capacitor in an Indesit Fridge Freezer

All you need is a Phillips Screwdriver and some long-nosed pliers. To remove this casing, first clear the plug. Next, pull the screw that holds it in place. Remove the top screw holding the starter down. You can then gently move the starter away from the metal bracket. Take a photo to ensure that all wires are placed correctly. To remove the connectors using long-nosed grippers, grasp the connectors’ ends and push as shown. If you want to remove the connectors, either use the small flat-head screws as shown or look underneath the connectors. There will be a tiny hole that holds the connector clipped into place. You can pull the connector away and push it up to loosen it. Removing the connector with a paperclip or a small pin should be possible. Pull the sides to remove the capacitor. Push it through the mount’s hole. Connect the blue and brown wires to the capacitor’s previous location. You are now ready to proceed.
You can attach the starter back into the device and then screw the top nut back in. The plastic housing should be attached, and the screw screwed back in. Finally, connect the capacitor to the back. Pass it through the holes as shown. The click should be audible.
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