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Kitchenaid Gas Stove Won’t Lock On? This Is Why

Kitchenaid Gas Stove Won't Lock On? This Is Why
You can do several things before calling a repairer if your KitchenAid Gas Stove won’t start. Here are some answers to your questions about your KitchenAid’s gas stove. Does debris clog it? Is there excessive moisture in the gas line or on the igniters? The igniter needs to be fixed. Do I require a technician for my project?

KitchenAid Gas Stove Won’t Light? Why is my KitchenAid Gas Stove not working?

Several reasons can cause a KitchenAid to fail to light. Let’s look at the most likely reasons why your KitchenAid won’t ignite. Gas stove not lighting after power failure? A fuse could have blown when your gas burner won’t ignite after a power failure. You may also find that your home’s circuit breaker tripped due to the power outage. Check your circuit breaker and fuse box before proceeding with any troubleshooting.

The igniter Is Clogged With Debris

The igniter of your KitchenAid may be clogged by debris. Excess food particles or spills can cause this. Clean the burner thoroughly to correct this issue. Be sure to clean off all the debris so the igniter can function adequately and light your stove correctly. Safety First! Before cleaning, make sure to unplug your appliance. Remove the burner cover to expose your igniter. Remove food debris from around the igniter knobs and the burner using a dry, clean brush. If there is any residue on the burner, you can use a cotton ball moistened with rubbing alcohol. If your stove igniter is not working because of food residue, cleaning the burners should fix the problem. If your stove’s burner won’t stop clicking, cleaning the burners should resolve the issue. This can indicate that your igniter is clogged. In this instance, the ignitor is likely to have shorted because of the debris. To resolve the issue, use the above cleaning instructions to cleanse the igniter thoroughly.

Igniter too wet

Did you clean the stove? If your KitchenAid gas stoves are not igniting, it could be because of moisture in either the gas line or the igniters. You may experience this problem after cleaning your kitchen stove. Let everything dry completely before attempting to use it. If the igniter is damp, use a cloth to dry it and then light the stove.

Igniter is faulty

They may be faulty. If you likely already tried step 1&2 and your gas stove still does not light, it’s time to replace it. When you switch on the stove, the igniter (a tiny wire piece near the burner) creates a spark. Check for continuity if you need clarification on whether it’s the igniter. The multimeter reading should range between 40 to 400 ohms. If the multimeter displays 0 ohms, then there is no continuity. You will need to replace the igniter.

Igniter too wet

Other Malfunctioning Elements

Call a KitchenAid technician if cleaning & inspecting igniters does not solve the issue. The professionals should repair or replace malfunctioning components. A gas stove that won’t ignite is usually caused by a few standard components. The spark module is responsible for producing the voltage to ignite the burner. Spark ignition button: Turns on the spark unit to emit light. You should also read our KitchenAid or Thermador manuals for better oven repair.

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